Watch: Welcome to Summit Creek Utah

Life at Summit Creek comes without compromise. Here, you have the opportunity to realize a modern and natural existence, to dwell within a contemporary architectural whilst set within Utah’s untrammeled habitat. This recently-produced video captures the beauty and essence of life at Summit Creek, shedding light on what it’s truly like to reside amongst an effortlessly amenitized and comfortably sophisticated setting. While a visual recount of this palpable essence is ambitious, the result is nothing short of extraordinary. And, perhaps even more extraordinary is that you are able to make this visual recount a reality.

Embark upon an optic tour of Summit Creek, interlaced with videography of the surrounding natural splendor and customized architecturals. Situated within the far-reaching foothills of the Wasatch Range, Summit Creek boasts a wide-span of real estate elevated in both design and setting, facilitating a prolific connection amongst residents and the outdoors.

This beautifully-shot video depicts the Summit Creek way and pace of life, timed by the sunrise each morning and sunset come evening. Residents possess a world of unspoiled backcountry just beyond their doorstep, where many choose to hike, mountain bike, practice yoga or even explore via ranger. And, as the day comes to a close, families and friends may delight in one another’s company at the Loafer Clubhouse or retreat to their carefully-crafted and stunningly designed homes. Poised for full-time living in harmony with nature, each custom architectural beckons residents with their well-appointed interiors and unrivaled vistas of the peaks beyond.

Here, life is simply different. It’s wildly natural, yet ideally modernized. Days are guided by the seasons, with moments rich, valuable and memorable—designed and tailor-made for those called home to the mountains.

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